I attempted to measure the emulator launch time expertise on in style emulators. For this, I thought-about BlueStacks and LDPlayer9. How I measured launch/boot time?
I launched the emulator a number of instances and took launch time readings utilizing the timer utility on my cellular. Machine used CPU- Ryzen 7 4800H RAM- 16 GB GPU- Radeon RX 5500M Home windows 10 https://preview.redd.it/g14t1ttcwu4b1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca920f167552f4248d0551a9ec8f97e5fe2825f Outcome The launch time of BlueStacks is 8 seconds lesser (135% sooner) than LDPlayer. Recordings: Have shared the recordings of all of the readings on this folder. PS: Please let me know if it helped. https://preview.redd.it/74y0e6lqwu4b1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2a8098377fa4c2d7162ba872048cc24058894e1 submitted by /u/DependentCrazyBoi |