Set within the Nineteen Eighties, Love Lies Bleeding follows Lou (Kristen Stewart), a gymnasium supervisor who’s simply making an attempt to get by. Someday, Jackie (Katy O’Brian), an bold bodybuilder enters the gymnasium and the duo develop extraordinarily shut. As their love story takes form, Lou is compelled to cope with her previous, specifically her father, Lou Sr. (Ed Harris), who’s the top of a prison group the FBI has their eyes on.
Why watch now: Kristen Stewart and Katy O’Brian get to be homosexual and do crimes. If that does not promote you, I do not know what’s going to right here. I am a journey or die Kristen fan, so after I had the prospect to see this film, I leapt at it, and I am now right here to let you know that when you love films with equal components homicide, LGBTQ+ romance, and a few wild plot twists, you’ll have a good time with this one. I do not know if this film is for everybody, however I had enjoyable. This one hits theaters on March 8 in choose theaters earlier than increasing on March 15.