Slack is retiring its standing account on X that beforehand shared updates about points and outages on the platform, the corporate introduced on Thursday. “We made the choice to retire the @SlackStatus account with a purpose to consolidate our communications round incidents and focus sources on these most generally utilized by our prospects,” Kevin Albers, VP of buyer expertise at Slack, stated in a press release to The Verge.
The account was a helpful approach to be notified when Slack was investigating issues, particularly for these of us at The Verge who find yourself writing about these points. (It was additionally a very good account to watch with TweetDeck — which is now known as XPro and is simply accessible to paying X Premium subscribers.) If you wish to maintain tabs on Slack’s standing transferring ahead, Albers pointed to Slack’s fundamental standing web page and stated that “we’re additionally comfortable to reply any questions associated to incidents from our fundamental account, @SlackHQ.” You may also get alerts by subscribing to Slack’s RSS and Atom feeds.
X despatched an autoreply to my request for remark: “Busy now, please verify again later.”