GKids has launched the primary teaser trailer for Toho’s upcoming animated movie mission Ghost Cat Anzu. Administrators Yoko Kuno and Nobuhiro Yamashita are overseeing the Japanese launch which additionally comes from Japan’s Shin-Ei Animation and France’s Miyu Productions.
The movie’s story facilities on 11-year-old Karin, who’s deserted by her father at her grandfather’s home, the monk of a small city within the Japanese countryside. “Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and useful though moderately capricious ghost cat, to take care of her. The assembly of those two robust characters causes sparks, at the very least at first… “
The movie is a rotoscoped 2D animation movie that stars Mirai Moriyama, who voices Anzu, and Noa Gotō, who voices Karin. Each of them performed their characters in live-action, and their performances turned the reference for the animators, with each their dialogue and their actions being transformed into the ultimate footage. It seems to be like a pleasant film!
The movie relies on the manga by Takashi Imashiro and it opens in Japan in July 2024. Ghost Cat Anzu can be launched in choose US theaters later in 2024.